About Us (2024-25)

Westchester County League of Women Voters

Executive Board

white wooden table with chairs set

LWVW’s Executive Board consists of the members of LWVW’s Executive Committee (officers, elected directors, and appointed directors) and the presidents of each of the local leagues within Westchester County.

Executive Committee


PresidentKathy Meany (Northwest Westchester)2023-25
1st Vice PresidentTBD2024-26
2nd Vice PresidentMary Kirsch (New Castle)2023-25
3rd Vice PresidentLouise Perez (Larchmont/Mamaroneck)2024-26
SecretaryAdie Shore (Scarsdale)2024-25
TreasurersMary Beth Gose (Scarsdale)
Marylou Green (Scarsdale)

Elected Directors

Joan Alexander (New Rochelle)2023-25
Diane Baylor (Scarsdale)2023-25
Mary Pat Campbell (Northeast Westchester)2024-26
Liz Gereghty (Northeast Westchester)2024-26
Crystal Joseph (Rivertowns)2024-26
Susan Schwarz (Rivertowns)2024-25
Deb Pekarek (Scarsdale)2023-25
Denise Povolny (Rivertowns)2024-26

Appointed Directors

Emma Freeman, Youth Representative (Larchmont/Mamaroneck)2024-25
Maria Samuels (Rivertowns)2025
Max Szuchman, Youth Representative (Larchmont/Mamaroneck)2024-25

Local League Presidents

Larchmont/MamaroneckLouise Perez and Elisabeth Radow2024-
New CastleLeslie Kuhn
New RochelleJoan Alexander
Northeast WestchesterLisa Pizzurro
Northwest WestchesterRene Artale2024-
RivertownsSusan Maggiotto
Rye/Rye Brook/Port ChesterRoz Carvin and Liz Rotfeld2024-
ScarsdaleHeedan Chung2023-25
White PlainsAlan Cass2024-

Committee Chairs

Civics EducationLiz Gereghty (Northeast Westchester)
Civics EducationDenise Povolny (Rivertowns)
Communications/TechnologyDiane Baylor (Scarsdale)
County GovernmentMary Pat Campbell (Northeast Westchester)
Directory of OfficialsDiane Baylor (Scarsdale)
EnvironmentSusan Schwarz (Rivertowns)
FundraisingSteve Meyers (Rye/Rye Brook/Port Chester)
FundraisingRobyn Weintraub (Rye/Rye Brook/Port Chester)
Naturalization CeremoniesBarbara Shore (White Plains)
Naturalization CeremoniesDiane Tabakman (White Plains)
Nominating CommitteeTBD
NYS ERA TaskforceAdie Shore (Scarsdale)
Running & WinningDenise Povolny (Rivertowns)
Running & WinningAdie Shore (Scarsdale)
Social MediaRobyn Weintraub (Rye/Rye Brook/Port Chester)
Speaker Programs (Annual Meeting, Holiday Luncheon)Kathy Meany (Northwest Westchester)
Students Inside AlbanyDeb Pekarek (Scarsdale)
Voter Service (Candidate Forums)Kathy Meany (Northwest Westchester)
Voter Service (Inter-League Coordination)Kathy Meany (Northwest Westchester)
Voter Service (Moderator Scheduling)Alice McNamara (Rivertowns)
Voter Service (Moderator Training)Kathy Meany (Northwest Westchester)
Voter Service (Registration)Joan Alexander (New Rochelle)
Voter Service (Vote 411)Mary Kirsch (New Castle)
Youth EngagementCrystal Joseph (Rivertowns)

LWVW Bylaws (last amended June 8, 2023)
LWVW Program with Outlook for Work for 2024-25
Annual Report for 2023-24